AFRICAN CONSCIENCE : African Network Of Grassroots Democracy




1) That as the armed conflict in Anglophone regions of Cameroon intensifies, the human rights violations and abuses perpetrated by the conflicting parties continues and civilians paying a heavy price.
2) That despite efforts made to limit the human rights violations and abuses, the Belligerent forces continuous to destroy dwellings, target and kill unarmed civilians, kidnap civilians for ransoms, attack children in school or enroute to School in some areas, illegally arrests and arbitrary Detends  civilians, prohibition of movement of persons and goods etc.
3) That the above mentioned rights violations and abuses are causing severe pains and hardship to inhabitants of the conflict regions.
4) That after thorough investigations carried out in respect of INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN PRINCIPLES and in application of the Monitoring, Documentation and Reportings (MDR) methodology, about 73 cases of human rights violations and abuses perpetrated by Defense and Security forces and Armed Separatists respectively were recorded between April and May 2024,
5) That due to security challenges and other difficulties in accessing some of the zones, we only succeeded to monitor and document 43 cases, which were as follows:,

* An unarmed Woman was murdered at Bafut Village, Mezam division of the North West region on the 4th of April 2024 by Defense forces.

* An unarmed civilian stabbed to death by a Police officer at a drinking sport in Up Station Bamenda, North West region on Thursday April 4th 2024.

* 4 members of Armed Separatists group killed by Defense forces during an attack at their camp at Batibo on the 7th of April 2024.

* Houses of Villagers set ablaze at Sop Village, Jakiri sub division, Bui division, North West region by Defense and Security forces on the 11th of April 2024.

* 6 unarmed civilians shots to deaths by members of Defense forces at Banka/Bamfem Villages at Kumbo, Bui division of the North West region on the 11th of April 2024, accusing them of collaborating with Separatists.

* An unarmed civilian (woman)  murdered and others injured by Armed Separatists at Mile 2 Nkwen on the 12th of April 2024 and accused  of consuming brewery products from Brasseries du Cameroun.

* About 30 unarmed civilians arrested at Bafut, Mezam division, North West region by Defense and Security forces between the 11th and 15th of April 2024. The Soldiers local sources say alleged the contacts or phone numbers of victims were found in the phone of a dreaded separatist « General Alhadji » killed in the locality.

* 16 commercial Motorcycles were seized from riders, 13 set ablaze and 3 others taken away by Armed Separatists at Ngie junction in NJAP Village, Nkambe Central sub division. The incident happened on Monday April 15 2024 and victims were accused for disrespecting « Traditional Monday Ghost Town day ».

* 2 Teachers kidnapped on the 15th of April 2024 at NJAP Village, Nkambe Central sub division, Ndonga Mantung division, North West region by Armed Separatists and taken to an unknown destination.

*  A Driver whose only name we got as NDIFOR was shot to death on the 18th of April 2024 by alleged Armed Separatists at Bambui, Turbah sub division, Mezam division of the North West region. family source and witness say he was forceful removed from his home and executed.

* Mr Mahnjong Roland a PRIMARY school Teacher at Government School Mbikong in Tabenken and Mr Dickson a Teacher at Bongom all in Nkambe kidnapped at NJAP Village by armed Separatists were released on the 16th of April 2024 alledgely after payment of ransoms.

* An unarmed civilian shots to death and several others injured at Ajung Village, Boyo division, North West region on the 22nd of April 2024 by Defense forces.

* A woman kidnapped at Old Treasury Street ,Bamenda North West region by armed men alleged to be Separatists. Witnesses say the lady was stopped by gunshots on the types of her Vehicle, before forcefully taking her to an unknown destination.

* A trader whose name we got as Martin Fosso was shots to death by Unidentified Armed men at Kang Barombi, Kumba 3, Meme division ,South West region.

* An unarmed woman whose only name we got as Bernice a Simtress at Bamenda main market was shots to death and others injured at about 10pm  on the 28th of April 2024 at Mbengwi road, Mezam division, North West region by Unidentified Armed men.

* General Mad Dog a Separatist fighter and 1 other shots to deaths by Defense forces at Meme division, South West region and copse displaced at BICEC junction, Kumba South West region

* 4 members of the Cameroon Defense forces killed in Mbiame, Ndonga Mantung division, North West region by Armed Separatists.

* Fai Divine a member of armed Separatists group killed by Defense forces in Mbuh Village, Bui division, North West region on 21st of April 2024.

* About 20 unarmed civilians illegally arrested and detained on Saturday the 27th of April 2024 by Defense and Security forces at Busumbu village, Limbe ,South West region.

* 3 unarmed civilians shots to deaths on 28th of April 2024 at Kosala quarter, Kumba, South West region by armed Separatists and amongst victims was Baiye Jackson Egbe. The traders were accused of not respecting what they call « Traditional Monday Ghost Town « 

* Road Construction CATERPILLARS carrying out road maintenance work at Njikwa ,Mbengwi road ,Momo division, North West region were set ablaze by Armed Separatists on the 29th of April 2024.

* An operation carried out by Defense and Security forces at Pinyin ,Santa sub division, Mezam division of North West region at Separatists Camp led to the release of 4 hostages on the 5th of May 2024.

* General SAGON a Separatist fighter and 2 others killed by Defense and Security forces at Bamessing Village, Ndop Central sub division, Ngoketunjia division of the North West region on the 5th of May 2024.

* A member of Armed Separatist group killed in Baba 1 Village, Babessi sub division, Ngoketunjia division of the North West region on the 5th of May 2024 by Defense forces.

* 2 Members of the Armed Separatists group killed on the 8th of May 2024 at Bali Nyonga Village, Mezam division of the North West region by Defense forces.

* The Brigade Commander of Eyumojock Gendarmerie Brigade and 5 of his elements assassinated by Armed Separatists along Eyumojock-Ekok high way, Manyu division of the South West region on the 10th of May 2024. Their copses and vehicle were set ablaze and their weapons confiscated as usual. Victims were Chief warrant Officer EFFA, Marshal Mahamadou, Major ENOW, Fayed Abdou and OUDOU the brigade Commander.

* 4 unarmed civilians were shots to deaths by Defense and Security forces at Muea, South West region on the 11th of May 2024.

* 1 unarmed civilian shots to death and others injured as member of Cameroon Defense forces (BIR) opened live bullets on them at a Night Club in Limbe, South West region on the 11th of May 2024.

* 2 members of Cameroon Defense forces shots to deaths by Armed Separatists at Bambui Village, Turbah sub division,Mezam division of the North West region on the 14th of May 2024.

* 4 person shots to deaths and I other severely injured by Armed Separatists at Bambui, Turbah sub division, Mezam division of the North West region on the 14th of May 2024. Among victims were 2 unarmed civilians killed, 2 members of Defense forces and 1 injured civilian at about 8pm.

* 5 Teachers kidnapped and taken to an unknown destination by Armed Separatists on the 14th of May 2024 while invigilating the Common Entrance Exam at Government Primary School Cirngwa,Ndu sub division, Ndonga Mantung division of the North West region.

* 4 unarmed civilians( Anglophones) illegally arrested and detained at Ngalim Gendarmerie Brigade ,West region of Cameroon on the 11th of May 2024. They were accused of being collaborating with Armed Separatists.

* 4 members of Armed Separatists group killed at Mveh and Funding, Bui division, North West region on the 16rh of May 2024.

* An unarmed woman accused of being a spy for Defense and Security forces by Armed Separatists was shots on her leg at Tadu, Bui division, North West region on the 15th of May 2024.

* The Brigade Commander of Akwaya Gendarmerie Brigade and 1 other element were killed on the 16th of May 2024 by alleged Armed Separatists.

* The Lord Mayor of Belo Council Ngong Innocent and Inspector of Basic Education for Belo NGONG Aaron were assassinated by Armed Separatists on their way to participate on the 20th May National day festivities in the locality. It happened on 20th of May 2024.

* Civilians Vehicles set ablaze in Buea, South West region on the 19th of May 2024 by Armed Separatists in an attempt to enforce an imposed lockdown.

* Dr. AKU JOSEPH GWA the National President of Kejom Keku Development and Cultural Association kidnapped by Unidentified Armed men from his home in the 22nd of May 2924 at Mile 3 Nkwen, Bamenda, North West region and his copse found 1 day after on 23th of May 2024 around CHS Bambui, Turbah sub division of the North West region.

* Explosions by Armed Separatists at a drinking spot OPPOSITE Bamenda Regional hospital killed 2 and about 39 injured according sources from the Regional Hospital were victims were taken to on Saturday the 25th of May 2024.

* 2 members of Defense forces killed on the 28th of May 2024 by Armed Separatists at Babanki, Turbah sub division of the North West region.

* The Parish Priest of Saint Martin Porres Parish of Bekora, Reverend MAI ELVIS was kidnapped by Armed men alleged to be Separatists on his way to Bafaka Village, according to a press release dated 28th May 2024 and  signed by Bishop of Kumba Diocese. He was later released 29th May 2024 as contained in another press release by the Bishop of Kumba on the 29th of May 2024.

* JISEH BERTRAND CHUNG a Student of form 5 at Government High School Elak Oku was shot to death on his way to write the General Certificate of Education Exam(GCE). The incident happened few minutes after a systematic gunshots between Armed Separatists and Defense forces of which about 41 unarmed civilians were injured and 3 kidnapped according to a press release from the Senior Divisional Officer of Kumbo dated 29th May 2024. But according to some local sources Bertrand was shot by Defense forces at Manchock neighborhood, Oku, Bui division of the North West region on the 28th of May 2024.

* The 4 unarmed civilians arrested and detained at Ngalim Gendarmerie Brigade, West region were released on the 29th of May 2024.

6. That amidst the systematic human rights violations and abuses in these regions, the Cameroon Government has remained silence and keep saying « Everything is under Control « .

7. That the silence of Cameroon Government and International Community on the conflict situation in this part of the Country,  absent of an Inclusive and Sincere Dialogue, lack of adequate protection mechanisms for unarmed civilians, the believes of Separatist leaders that only pressure through violence will persuade Government to accept an Inclusive and sincere dialogue, the continuous presence of Armed Separatists in most parts of these regions among other reasons are contributing to the increased rate of violence in these regions,

7) That targetting unarmed Civilians and their Dwellings by Warring parties in time of war is prohibited what ever be the motive(s) as prescribed by the Fourth Geneva Convention and other related International legal instruments,
8) That the Republic of Cameroon is indeed a State-party to the Fouth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Second Additional Protocol to these Conventions relating to the protection of victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts, and must respond clearly and obligatorily to all human rights violations,
9) That it is clearly established without ambiguity that the responsibility for these facts is thus attributed to the State of Cameroon by virtue of International law, under the terms of article 4 and following of resolution 56/83 of the UN General Assembly dated December 12, 2001, on the responsibility of the State for « INTERNATIONAL WRONGFUL ACTS « .

1. Condemn in STRONGEST TERMS the persistence human rights violations and abuses perpetrated by Defense and Security forces and Separatists Armed groups respectively in Anglophone regions.

2. Send a DISTRESS CALL to the National and the International Community on the intensification of human rights violations and abuses in Anglophone regions.

3. PRAY an INDEPENDENT, and IMPARTIAL Commission should be set up to carry out proper investigations on the alleged cases of human rights violations and abuses to ensure perpetrators are identified, arrested and prosecuted.

4. Demands an IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT BILATERAL CEASEFIRE, through INCLUSIVE and SINCERE DIALOGUE with the Separatists and other Stakeholders to seek amicable and durable end of hostilities in Anglophone Regions,

5. Strongly recommends that the Cameroon Government should scrupulously comply with its International commitments for the effective protection of fundamental human rights, thus violated on daily basis with impunity in these regions.

6. Firmly reminds, parties, that’s State Actors and Non State armed groups, that they are bound by International Humanitarian Laws and must respond to their acts.

7. Immediately requests the International Community and other friendly Nations of Cameroon to persuade the Cameroon Government to SEEK a PACIFIC MEANS of resolving the conflict, through direct negotiations with the leaders of armed opposition groups and other concerned Stakeholders.

8. Strongly remind the Cameroon Government of imminent need to establish an adequate protection mechanism to ensure unarmed civilians who are being subjected to systematic human rights violations on daily basis because of their vulnerability are protected.

Done in Douala, this 12th day of June 2024

Executive Director

conscience africaine
conscience africaine
Publications: 27

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