AFRICAN CONSCIENCE : African Network Of Grassroots Democracy




                         PRESS RELEASE N"_46/CA-NW/LT/24

1) That despite numerous efforts put in place to limit the human rights violations and abuses in these regions, the Warring parties have continuous to destroy dwellings, target and kill unarmed civilians, kidnap civilians for ransoms, prohibit children from going to school in some areas, illegally arrests and Arbitrary Detains civilians, prohibits movement of persons and goods etc . These have increase hardships and pains on inhabitants of the conflict regions,
2) That after thorough investigation carried out in application of the Monitoring, Documentation and Reportings (MDR) methodology, about 57 cases of human rights violations and abuses perpetrated by Defense and Security forces and Armed Separatists respectively, were recorded between December 2023 and January 2024,
3) That due to security challenges and other difficulties in accessing some of the zones, we only succeeded to monitor and document only 23 cases, which were as follows:,

  • An unarmed civilian known as Dailuta shot to death on the 8th of December 2023 at Baba 1, Ngoketunjia division, North West region by Armed Separatists on accusation of theft.
  • Zembwe GABRIEL a staff of Divisional Delegation of Secondary Education in Ndonga Mantung division shot to death at Ntaba Hill, Ndu sub division, North West region on the 12th of December 2023.
  • Attack of Government Technical High School Esu, Fungom sub division, North West region by Armed Separatists leading to the burning of 3 buildings, tortures of Students and kidnapping of some staffs and Students of the institution on the 12th of December 2023.
  • Explosion of an Improvised Explosive Device implanted by Armed Separatists on the 20th of December 2023 at Mile 24 Wum road, Menchum division, North West region killing 3 Soldiers, 2 Gendames and injuring others.
  • Amidou Shiwoh an unarmed civilian shot to death by members of Cameroon Defense forces on the 23rd of December 2023 at Baba 1, Ngoketunjia division, North West region, accusing him of collaborating with Armed Separatists.
  • Two (2) unarmed persons shot to death on the 23rd December 2023 by Armed Separatists in Baba 1, Ngoketunjia division, North West region accusing them of being Military informants.
  • Two (2) Unarmed civilians Mepha EMMANUEL Shiwoh and Nah Doda shots to death on the 27th of December 2023 by Armed Separatists in Baba 1, Ngoketunjia division of North West region by Armed Separatists accusing them of collaborating with Defense and Security forces.
  • A Separatist fighter General OMEGA killed by Defense forces at Nchubuh in Bamenda, North West region on th 27th of December 2023.
  • Two (2) unarmed civilians illegally arrested and detained at Company Kumba by Gendarmes on the 3rd of January 2024.
  • Yusufa Sule Gada a Fulani shot to death and his house set ablaze by Armed Separatists at Orti Village, Ndu sub division of North West region on the 6th of January 2024.
  • Four (4) Members of the Armed Separatists groups killed by Military in Kumbo, Bui division, North West region on the 07th of January 2024.
  • Illegal arrests and Arbitrary Detentions of two unarmed civilians Fuekang Kenneth and Shiminyi Rashidu by members of Defense forces in Baba 1, Ngoketunjia division, North West region on the 2nd of January 2024 and detained at Babessi Gendarmerie Brigade where they were released on the 16th of January 2024.
  • Tando Bernice an unarmed civilian shot to death on 11th of January 2024 at Okoyong Village, Mamfe Central sub division, South West region by Gendarmes.
  • A civilian car set ablaze by alleged Armed Separatists at Dreamland Snack Bar Bamenda North West region on the 14th of January 2024.
  • General Effang EMMANUEL alias Small Number, a member of Armed Separatists group forcefully picked up from the Mbingo BAPTIST Hospital undergoing treatment on the 21st of January 2024 in Bamenda by Defense forces after he was severely injured during an attack and taken to an unknown destination where he was later killed by Soldiers. His copse was taken to Bamenda Regional hospital by Defense forces according to a Press release from the Director of the said institution dated 6th of February 2024, announcing the presence of his copse at the health institution.
  • Ngum Solange Abanda an unarmed civilian shot to death on the 20th of January 2024 by unknown armed men in Bamenda.
  • Two (2) Caterpillars belonging to BUNS a road construction company were set ablaze at Ndu, Ndonga Mantung division of the North West region by Armed Separatists on the 25th of January 2024.
  • Yikang Eric an unarmed civilian was shot to death at Bambili, Turbah sub division, North West region on the 23rd of January 2024 and accused of selling Brewery products from Brasseries du Cameroun banned by Armed Separatists.
  • Two (2) unarmed civilians were shot to death at Jakiri, Bui division, North West region by Armed Separatists
  • George Kimbeng Che alias Pa’a Tano the former Quarter Head of Musang, Mankon, Bamenda North West region shot to death on the 30th of January 2024 by Armed Separatists.
  • One (1) unarmed civilian Derick Musunge shot to death, others injured and 4 cars set ablaze on Monday the 29th of January 2024 at Buea, South West region by Armed Separatists accusing them of violating Monday Ghost town.
  • Four (4) unarmed civilians kidnapped at Mundemba, South West region by Armed Separatists on the 29th of January 2024 for ransoms.
  • Illegal arrest and Arbitrary detention of a young man whose name we got as Elvis Tshih at Mile 1 Limbe, South West region by Security forces on the 21st of January 2024 and released on the 24th of January 2024.
    4) That amidst the systematic human rights violations and abuses in these regions, the Cameroon Government has remained silence and keep saying « Everything is under Control « ,
    5) That targetting unarmed Civilians and their Dwellings by Warring parties in time of war is prohibited what ever be the motive(s) as prescribed by the Fourth Geneva Convention and other related International legal instruments,
    6) That the Republic of Cameroon is indeed a State-party to the Fouth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Second Additional Protocol to these Conventions relating to the protection of victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts, and must respond clearly and obligatorily to all human rights violations,
    7) That it is clearly established without ambiguity that the responsibility for these facts is thus attributed to the State of Cameroon by virtue of International law, under the terms of article 4 and following of resolution 56/83 of the UN General Assembly dated December 12, 2001, on the responsibility of the State for « INTERNATIONAL WRONGFUL ACTS « .
  1. Condemn in STRONGEST TERMS the systematic human rights violations and abuses perpetrated by Defense and Security forces and Separatists Armed groups respectively,
  2. Request that an INDEPENDENT, and IMPARTIAL Commission should be created to carry out proper investigation to ensure identification, arrests and prosecutions of perpetrators of these cases of human rights violations and abuses,
  3. Demands an IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT BILATERAL CEASEFIRE, through INCLUSIVE and SINCERE DIALOGUE with the Separatists and other Stakeholders to seek amicable and durable end to hostilities in Anglophone Regions,
  4. Strongly recommends that the Cameroon Government should scrupulously comply with its International commitments for the effective protection of fundamental human rights, thus violated on daily basis with the cult of impunity in these regions,
  5. Firmly reminds, parties, that’s State Actors and Non State armed groups, that they are bound by International Humanitarian Laws and must respond to their acts,
  6. Immediately requests the International Community and other friendly Nations of Cameroon to persuade the Cameroon Government to SEEK a PACIFIC MEANS of resolving the conflict through direct negotiations with the leaders of armed opposition groups and other concerned Stakeholders.
    Done in Douala, this 21th day of February 2024

Executive Director

conscience africaine
conscience africaine
Publications: 21

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